Sharing a secondary display shares the wrong screen
Harry Mills
When I try to share my secondary monitor it seems to work from my end, but the person I'm sharing with sees my primary monitor (in this case my Macbook screen). Anything they draw on that screen appears on the secondary screen I was trying to share originally. As my colleagues and I have much larger secondary monitors than our main macbook screens this makes Screen a lot less useful to us.
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Sky Lau
Hi there! Just had this issue happen today.
John Parker Dilworth
I had this issue on macOS Catalina (10.15.5) with Screen 2.1.3. Reading the comments it says that this was fixed, but we experienced this in a screen share today. My MacBook Pro is connected to a larger display, but I was only able to share the laptop display, even when the share indicator clearly displayed with the green border that the larger display was being shared.
Marko Korhonen
Just installed the latest version on macOS Catalina and tried this with a friend. I have external monitor with my Macbook Pro. I selected the external screen but my friend only saw the macbooks screen. So after selecting that we could both see the same screen.
Marko Korhonen
We tried another time later, and it worked as intended.
J Sherwani (Pop Team)
I've closed this bug as it was for Mac, and the Linux bug is currently in progress.
J Sherwani (Pop Team)
We fixed this issue on Mac a few days ago, but I'm curious as to whether the new upvotes from Matthew Bischoff and Manuel Barkhau are for Mac or a different OS?
Manuel Barkhau
J Sherwani (Pop Team): 19.10 Ubuntu
Bennett Piater
Manuel Barkhau: maybe go report here:
Matthew Bischoff
J Sherwani (Pop Team): It was a Mac bug when I saw it. I’m not at my multi-monitor setup any more so I can’t easily validate the fix. But I’ll keep an eye out for other folks on the team.
J Sherwani (Pop Team)
That's a huge bug — sorry about that! We'll take a look asap and get back to you on a fix.
Harris Rasheed
J Sherwani (Pop Team): This is still happening for my colleague J Sherwani (Pop Team). Happy to provide any debugging info needed.